Monday, April 28, 2008


This is what I want.. to catch the whimsical -- that sweetness and elegance in being simple and bright. I want to capture translucent light that filters through gauze and the playful breeze that billows through trees. I want to hear my song sing itself in that way that only I can decode. I want to be female. Strong but soft, bold but subtle. I want to be succulent and warm to the touch. I want to be simple yet complicated, layered like a good plot in a book. I want to be something more, something else and yet be me.

I want to be this. Achieve it to be it is what I say but I hold back and I wait. I need to stop looking for the start gun to go off and just go.

I want my heart song... in gentle defiance of what people think it should be.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008


From people that you work with that don't quite "get" it to 8 children who seem to have lost their way in the path of love and humanity, it seems that Albert Einstein just says it best.


I haven't been doing much lately. My daughter has the stomach flu, I've been sick as well and work is well hectic. I am working on a series of paintings for my daughters room. It will be fun to share those here. I've already begun cutting out butterflies for the first one.

Slump, slump, slump, slump

First because she said she is stalking me. I love you, Candace! Forgive my lame self for not contacting you. I'm an idiot. I am, I'm sorry. :\

I've been in a creative slump lately. This was my last youtube venture.
