Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Journaling or not?

A lot of what I do, I consider as just creating art. While there might be some message or feeling behind what I do, it is not always auto biographical. I feel safe showing it on here because what you see is more of what I enjoy to show. I love the visual journals of Traci Bunkers. ( They are very raw and honest pictures of her life. I admire her bravery of displaying them for the world to see and judge but it also brought to mind my philosophy on art journaling.

I like to think that I have an art journal, that is, that I enjoy creating art in a journal on a daily basis. It is a chronicle of my process and progress and a good coffee book when I am done! ;)

What I would like to have is a visual journal, to many of you there is no distinction but to me there is. A visual journal in my eyes is just that. A personal journal of your life that you express with more than just words. To me it is different in that the former is a chronicle of my artistic endeavors while the latter would be a chronicle of my life, my thoughts and my journey as a person. It's a bit more personal and makes me feel more vulnerable.

I am thinking on it, only because I am of the idea that it is important to have a heart outlet, a place to let it all out without fear of repercussions or judgment. A place to look back on and reflect and even learn from.

I enjoy sharing my art journals, they are part of my process but I believe I might have to keep a visual journal as well for the purpose of having a place to expel thoughts and feelings and then stick it under the bed for another day.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I haven't created a ATC in a long while. The size is perfect for doodling when you're really suppose to be working. You though, did not hear that from me.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Into The Woods

I've got no words today. Too tired, too worn, too much wishing that I could ciphen my children's energy, make it into a drink and get drunk off it.

Into The Woods

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Sometimes I feel I get so caught up in goals and destinations that I forget to experience and enjoy the journey that gets me there.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Work in Progress

There is a Gorilla siting in the back of my mind and it's patiently waiting for me to tempt it with a banana.

Peace is a work in progress. There are always bananas trying to make that other part of you want to come out and play.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Root Canal


There are a few things you should know about me. One is that I'm a stubborn mule, the second, that I have a very high threshold for pain. So keeping this in mind, it should be no surprise that I put myself in a very bad situation but not paying attention to my mouth when it began screaming in pain. Finally today I caved and went to the dentist, who then told me the dreaded news. I have a tooth abscess and in order to prevent future problems I would need a root canal to save the tooth.

"Um, okay... when do we start?" I ask hoping that next week would be the mark but knowing fully that it was not the case.

"No, we start now. I need to drill a hold into your tooth, take out the nerve and then clean out the infection." he replied with a sympathetic tone.

Yeah. Next time, I go at the first twinge of an annoyance. I can't believe I'm going to have to get one of those suckers. Blech.

I think many people need to remember that an art journal, is just that, a journal. If you're too busy wondering how other people are going to perceive your work or how you should edit it for online use, then you're doing it wrong. Share, yes but don't' over think it to the point of losing the purpose behind having one.