Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rain, rain go away

Monday, 18th 2009The rain is incessant. It is like a quarrelsome woman for lack of a better stereotype. It refuses to lift its skirt and give anyone a peep of sunshine and quite honestly I am sick of it. Too much of anything can become burdensome and I am quite overdue for some bright sun and blue skies.

Today is the first day of gorgeous weather in some time. The sun is beginning to color everything summer and I find myself envying the life of a cat. I, too want to curl up in a ball by the window and warm myself to a lazy stupor. Alas, humanity claims my innate ability to stretch myself to oblivion and instead I find myself at work.

Recently, I utilized all the free space I have in my walk-out basement and made a little make-shift studio for myself. I have a ton of storage drawers that I use to house my art supplies but they were taking over my living room and worse yet, I wouldn't get any art done because I didn't want to hassle of having to put everything back. My basement is nice and dry, has a lovely large window that lets natural light in and I thought why not place a little set up there? I bought a 6 foot folding banquet table at home depot, threw a table cloth on it and tada! A studio was born.

arttrade_5_14_09 In the Midnight Hour 5_13_09

What a different it makes to have a designated space to make art! I have found myself going downstairs in the evening and just creating for an hour or so. I have the kids small table down there as well and they come down to paint or draw as well. I have started art journals with both of them and it feels good to have a place where I'm not telling them, "be careful! Don't get paint on that!" Freedom is a wonderful thing.

I started up my large art journal again. I love creating on such a big space. I'll have more to share soon. Until then, enjoy the sun.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rain Forrest Dreams

My world is a lush haze of green. Everything around me is soaked, wet and growing. The earth is greedy and why shouldn't it be? It's been denying itself for months now, sleeping soundly underneath the snow and ice. There are moments where I am overwhelmed. There is too much stimulation of the senses and I feel the need to shut it all out. I'm alright with the world around me. I may have my moments where I rant and rave about this or that but all in all, I'm okay. There is a school of thought where people feel they must force their happiness. I just recently posted over at twitter that, "Happiness does not barge into your front door. It's too busy waiting for you to invite it in." All I hear around me is, Goddess this and Sacred that. You are worthy, follow your bliss, listen to your heart and move without inhibitions. Dream big, dream small, dream not at all. So much to listen to, so much to aspire to, so much that it becomes too much all together.

Shut off the stimulation. The grandiouse gestures, melodramatic sentiments. Move past the sincere aspirations and miraculous synergy that you wish you were apart of. For one moment, sit in silence and be okay with the world. Understand that you cannot control anyone but yourself, that satisfaction is found in the simplicity of your happiness. That validation at times is the moment of your greatest sorrow. Be okay with the silence. Perhaps you might find what you're looking for after all.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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I've been lazy with this journal. Languid and naughty like a kitten playing with the cream in her milk, I have let this journal go into disuse. In the area where I live, the weather cannot decide if it will deliver a deluge of mild weather or a rampage of summer heat. The trees exploded all at once as if they needed to put their Sunday best on for the parade. I live in a valley of dogwoods in pink frills and gentlemanly oak and ceder in gallant green attire.

My mind wanders endlessly. It hikes, it bikes, it swims through stories that gleefully skip away like rambunctious toddlers. Nevertheless I enjoy the occasional musing that I leave here. It's like inviting guests to tea on a picturesque day.