Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Good. The Bad. The Second Chance.

One of the things that I had to learn with Art Journaling is the fact that not everything has to be pretty or even finished. I can stop mid page, decide I'm not feeling it and move on to the next. This is liberating, this is creative freedom. In my mind, art journaling doesn't have a destination in mind, just a journey to take you on. Lately, I've been looking over some unfinished sketches and abandoned ideas and making them into something new. Old thoughts creating a new creative path.


The above page was done over a year ago. I was experimenting with my water soluble crayons and antiquing technique, throwing a quick but utterly uninspiring sketch up there for good measure. Then, I was done. I moved on. Over a year and a half later (by my estimation) I was flipping through that old moleskine (now about two/three years in the making) and found many old sketches and abandoned pages that I was beginning to see with new eyes.


Imagine if I just said, "Well, can't do anything with this. It's been over a year and what's done is done?" Yeah, I can't either. I'm very happy with the result and am now looking into recreating a few more pages just for the fun of it.

Lesson to take away from this: It's not over until you say it's over. Don't limit yourself just because you put it away. Find inspiration in old ideas and refashion them into something new. You'll be glad that you did.


Unknown said...

ok, now i know what you were talking about last night on Paula's show! very pretty. i actually like both versions of the page. i love the spots, maybe water spots? nice.

Mariposa said...

@Juliet Yes,the spots are water spots. They background was done with water soluble crayons. :)

Jess said...

the art and the words on this post are amazing.

i felt the need to tell you this so badly that in a moment i will type in flowaga into the word verification box and not feel the least bit absurd in doing so.